Juntoumei Shounen |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kyou ga kuru fuankan mo ubaitotte yuku | Today comes, stealing away even my feeling of unease |
dareka ni kidzuite hoshikute utatte iru | I'm singing, wanting someone to notice me |
sonna iro ga tsuyoku tsuite ite | for which "yearning" is not a strong enough word |
samishisa o umeru you ni utatte ita | I was singing to bury my loneliness |
hito no koe sura BAKKU MYUUJIKKU no you da ano hi kimi ga utatta uta o utau | Even people's voices are like background music to me I sing the song you sang that day |
dareka ga sakende'ru n'da | Someone is crying out |
kono kokorogoto watashitai kara boku o zenbu, zenbu, zenbu touka shite | With my heart still intact So pierce my whole, whole, whole self through |
nan no iro mo katachi mo mienai | I couldn't see any color or shape to it |
me ni mienai nara toumei na n'da sonna mono wa nai no to onaji da | or world peace, they're transparent They might as well not exist at all |
uta dake ga kitto mada boku o utsusu shudan da ano hi boku ga wasureta yume o utau | This song is my only means of making myself seen I sing the dream I forgot that day |
nagai yoru no mukougawa o kono boku no me wa utsusanai kara kimi o zenbu, zenbu, zenbu touta shite | That my eyes couldn't see the other side of the long night So weed your whole, whole, whole self out |
souzou datta n'da kimi no iro da to ka katachi da to ka | It was my imagination Your color, your shape |
mienai kimi no uta dake de | Just by that song that you were singing, unseen |
tooi yoru no mukougawa de kono kokorogoto watashitai kara boku o zenbu, zenbu, zenbu touka shite | I want to cross to the other side of the distant night with my heart still intact So pierce my whole, whole, whole self through |
Translated and transliterated by EJTranslations
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