Don't be afraidAlbum / Collection: Oricon Blue (Special Edition) Track # 7 Sung by Uru Music & Lyrics by Hidenopri View romaji/english lyrics New Feature! Mouseover a kanji character for lookup information!
Don't be afraid, baby it's alright.
Sing to be happy and free your life. Can you hear me? That's alright, baby now you can shine in your life. 心のドア開けて 僕に見せて欲しい 君の悩みは全部 溶かしてしまうよ Don't be afraid, baby it's alright. Sing to be happy and free your life. Can you hear me? That's alright, baby now you can shine in your life. 君が傍にいれば もう何も怖くない いつの日もこうやって そっと手を繋いでいよう Don't be afraid, baby it's alright. Sing to be happy and free your life. Can you hear me? That's alright, baby now you can shine in your life. Don't be afraid, baby it's alright. Sing to be happy and free your life. Can you hear me? That's alright, baby now you can shine in your life. Don't be afraid, baby it's alright. Sing to be happy and free your life. Can you hear me? That's alright, baby now you can shine in your life. Transliterated by Sltnal [Submit an English translation for this song] See an error in these lyrics? Let us know here! |
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