Tori to Hebi to Buta
Rooster, Snake and Pig / The Gate of Living

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Album / Collection: Sandokushi
Track # 1

Music and Lyrics by Shiina Ringo
Performed by Shiina Ringo
Starring Sato Aya

Lyrics from
Thinking of sweetness, stuffed myself even more
Afraid it'd run out, had to get even more
Dripping with honey, ran to store even more
Gorging, got nauseous, vomited everywhere

I thought that full was something better
Detestable is how it feels
Why must this be?

The honey used to taste delightful
Was it a poison actually
There to trap me?

Am I cursed? I've slighted no one
And I'm sure I know myself
The best so something's not right

This self is the only thing I love
To hear, to smell, to see, to touch
To taste is irreplaceable, no less

Note: The title of the song references the 'Three Poisons' in Buddhism, with the rooster being 'Attachment', the pig being 'Ignorance' and the snake being 'Aversion'

These three poisons are said to be the three poisons that keep beings trapped in Samsara.

Transliterated by Rei

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