Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comshiroi sen de kaita MARU no naka de futari nekorogari ue o mite warau betsu ni takai kabe nanka nakute mo bokura ha kimari o yaburu koto nante kitto shinai ne
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIn a circle drawn with a white line The two of us lying on our backs Look up and laugh Even if there wasn稚 such a high wall Surely we wouldn稚 break the rules, right?
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comdonna koto o gaman shite mo kimi o mamotte yukou nante kangaetesa hontou nara hayaku tsure dashitai ima ha futari sawarenai HIKOOKI
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comNo matter what I have to put up with I'll protect you Is kinda what I think If that痴 true, I want to hurry up and take you away Right now, in our untouchable airplane
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comama sugiru DOONATSU ha dandan tabere nakunatte karera ni chikadzuita kedo boku-tachi ha anmari kanashii koto ni naretenai kara honmono ha mada tooi to koro ni arundarou
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIt痴 gotten to the point where I can稚 eat the too sweet donuts And I致e gotten closer to them but We aren稚 really used to sad things, so The real thing is probably still in a far away place
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comnemuru aida sukoshi dake tobou ka futari dake no chikara de tobasou ka nigenai keredo sono mane o shiyou yo ima ha futari sawarenai HIKOOKI
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comWhile you池e asleep, won稚 you fly a bit? Won稚 you let it fly with the power of just us two? We池e not running away, but let痴 act like we are Right now, in our untouchable airplane
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comnemuru aida sukoshi dake tobou ka futari dake no chikara de tobasou ka
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comWhile you池e asleep, won稚 you fly a bit? Shall we let it fly with the power of just us two?