Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comtsumasaki nobashite kon'ya no DORESU o kiru
hosomi ni BOODAA kamen ni wa PAPIYON
kabocha no RANTAN kono onibi o tomoshite
akari ni sotte ashiato tadotte
kumo no kaijin ushiro no INUka ga daikanbu
ato hitori wa dare ni mo awazu ni ONRAIN
kashiko ni sorosoro to
tobikonde ikeba meate no bansan
bachi ni wa tsumi ga nai otogamenai
furikaereba kagami ni utsutta saru ga ita
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comOn tiptoes, I put on tonight's dress
With a thin border; on my mask is a butterfly
Lighting a jack-o-lantern,
I follow the footprints by its light
The top brass are a mysterious spider person and, behind him, a dog
I go online without meeting even one more person
If I take off soon for that place
I'll reach the banquet I'm aiming for
There's no crime in punishment, no blame
When I turned around, a monkey was reflected in the mirror
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comtamashii no hanryo izure wa juniku o shite
makura no shita douka shite'ru ze
Ah yozora no ai ni somatta kyoushitsu no hito-tachi mo
boku no te o toru KURASU de ichii no KODOMOAZERU
tsugi no setsuna de genshoku KEEKI ni umerareta
aizu wa gimonkei
itazura ka AME ka noru ka soru ka
dore nara yurusareru gen ni nareru
kasou sekai wa tsukuriMONO dakara dete kite
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comMy soulmate will someday be incarnated
And under a pillow, we'll assimilate
Ah, the indigo of the night sky has stained the people in the classroom
The number one child-azer in the class takes my hand [1]
In the next moment, we're buried in primary-colored cake
The signal is an interrogative
Trick or treat, sink or swim
Anything is permitted, anything can turn into reality
This world of masquerades is fake, so come out
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comkimi no koe koe o kikaneba
kimi no koe koe o kikaneba
koremiyogashi nakanaka koiki na genbakan
kuichirakashi GUREIBUYAADO ni aku no hana
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIf I can't hear your voice, your voice
If I can't hear your voice, your voice
This spot has a very stylish, ostentatious feel
In the graveyard, I messily eat harsh-tasting flowers
Ruuro, rurororo, make Halloween
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comaizu wa gimonkei
itazura ka AME ka noru ka soru ka
dore nara yurusareru gen ni nareru
iza kashiko ni sorosoro to
tobikonde ikeba meate no bansan
batsu ni wa tsumi ga nai otogamenai
furikaereba kagami ni utsutta saru ga ita
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comThe signal is an interrogative
Trick or treat, sink or swim
Anything is permitted, anything can turn into reality
Now, if I take off soon for that place
I'll reach the banquet I'm aiming for
There's no crime in punishment, no blame
When I turned around, a monkey was reflected in the mirror