Kataomoi |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
boku ga GITAA wo omou you ni hikenaku natte mo kokoro no uta wa kimi de afureteiru yo takai koe mo dasezu ni omoidoori utaenai soredemo unazuki nagara issho ni utatte kureru kana waren bakari no hakushu mo hibikiwataru kansei mo iranai kimi dake wakatte yo wakatte yo | Even if I can't play the guitar like I wish I could, my heart is overflowing with songs for you I can't sing as high as I'd like to, but I hope that you'll nod along, and sing together with me I don't need thunderous applause, or resounding cheers Only you, only you understand |
o-niai no kotoba ga mitsukaranai yo Darlin' yume ga kanatta no "Aishiteru" | But I can't find fitting words to describe it Darlin', my dreams came true "I love you." |
kyou ga MEIN DISSHU de owari no hi ni wa amazuppai DEZAATO wo taberu no yama no tani mo zenbu FURU KOOSU de ki ga kiku you na kotoba wa iranai subarashii tokubetsu mo iranai tada zutto zutto soba ni oiteite yo boku no omoi wa toshi wo toru to fueteku bakka da suki da yo wakatte yo wakatte yo | With today as the main dish, I'll have a sweet and sour dessert to end it, and the mountains and valleys as a full course I don't need tactful words, or for it to be wonderful or special Just always, always stay by my side As I grow older, my feelings do nothing but multiply. I love you, I know that, I know that |
o-niai no kotoba ga mitsukaranai yo Darlin' yume ga kanatta no ai ga afurete yuku | But I can't find fitting words to describe it Darlin', my dreams came true My love is overflowing |
boku yori saki ni dokoka tooku ni tabidatsu koto wa zettai yurusanai kara umarekawatta to shite mo deaikata ga saiaku demo mata boku wa kimi ni koi surunda yo boku no kokoro wa kimi ni itsumo kataomoi suki da yo wakatte yo wakatte yo wakatte yo | If you go off on a journey to a far-away place before me, I won't forgive you Even if we're reborn, even if our first meeting is a disaster; I'll fall in love with you again My heart is always in a one-sided love with you. I love you; understand it, understand it, understand it |
o-niai no kotoba ga mitsukaranai yo Darlin' yume ga kanatta no | But I can't find fitting words to describe it Darlin', my dreams came true |
Translated and transliterated by Rei
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