genius rhythm
Description: theme song
lyrics/music/arrange: mo2 performed by Barbarian On The Groove feat.Miglen
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Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comtensai wa ichinichi ni shite nara~zu
zero-ni, zero-san, zero-go, zero-nana, ichi-ichi, ichi-san, ichi-nana, ichi-kyuu
ni-san, ni-kyuu, san-ichi, san-nana, yon-ichi, yon-san, yon-nana, go-san
go-kyuu, roku-ichi, roku-nana, nana-ichi, nana-san, nana-kyuu, hachi-san, hachi-kyuu
kyuu-nana, hyaku-ichi, hyaku-san, hyaku-nana, WAN, TSUU, SAN, HAI!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.coma genius wasn't made in a day!
02, 03, 05, 07, 11, 13, 17, 19
23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53
59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89
97, 101, 103, 107, one, two, three, all right! [1]
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comnee kowagatte ippo ga fumidasenai koto aru no?
sou watashi sonna kanjou mochiawasetenai mitai
genjou mou KORE dekinai koto nante nai
keijou shitemireba sou yappari watashi ga NANBAA WAN
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comhey, have you ever felt so scared that you couldn't budge a toe?
i see... it would appear that i don't possess such emotion
under status quo, there's nothing that i cannot do
summing it up, there's no doubt about it -- i'm number one!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comtaiikusai datte zenbu watashi no kiroku de yuushou*
bunkasai datte zendai mimon no AIDIA oomouke
seitokai datte watashi ga hitokoe kakereba shutsudou!
furikaereba KIMI wa mune KYUN fanshii
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.commy records dominate every event on sports day!
my novel ideas for the cultural festival reap in hefty profits~
all i gotta do is give the word to dispatch the student council!
when i turn around, there's you, a fanciful heart-throb
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comtsumi na hitomi sonna ni mukenai de yo
mawari mienakute yosougai ni mo OFUSAIDO!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comdon't turn those sinful eyes on me like that
i fail to see where i'm going; that was a totally unexpected offside!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comTERETERE koishite mousouchuu
denpa hasshin! todokasenasai
sore wa ANATAtachi no gimu desho
MOTAMOTA shitetara okizari yo
watashi no densetsu katarasete A-GE-RU
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comwhen i flush up and begin fantasizing about romance
transmit the radio waves, and make them reach!
isn't that your job, guys?
if i don't get a move on i'll fall behind
once caught on to the genius rhythm
i'll tell you all about my legend
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comH, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne
Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K
Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comH, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne
Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K
Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co
Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, dal segno! [2]
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comnee tameratte bakari ja nani mo hajimaranai
sou itsu datte ippatsu shokuhatsu datte itteru desho
enjou BOU! sasetatte mou II ja nai
KO shichaina yo sou yappari sore ga ichiban dai
getsuyou datte ryoushi rikigaku nanka mo rakushou
suiyou datte kyuudou naginata sude ni shihandai!
kinyou datte nihonshi sekaishi uchuushi kanpeki*
HORA hayaku ANATA tsuitekinasai yo
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comhey, hesitating isn't gonna get you anywhere
like i always say, one touch is all it takes to set 'em off
i've set you ablaze, now isn't that more than enough?
go on and knock out -- yes, that'd be for the best
on monday, i practically breeze through quantum mechanics~
on wednesday, i'm already a master in training at archery and naginata!
on friday, i got the history of japan, the world and the entire universe all perfectly nailed down!
hurry up, guys, follow my lead
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comFURImawashite mo doushite nigenai no?
kotoba mitsukaranai rikai funou de DAIBINGU!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comafter they way i've been pushing you around, how come you still don't run away?
i'm at a loss of words; i'm diving into something i haven't faintest idea what!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.companipani PANIKKU rensouchuu
denpa kyuushuu! setsumei shinasai
kore mo ANATAtachi no gimu na no
KECHIKECHI shinai de oshieru no
JINIASU MERODI kikihoreta nara
watashi no tonari ni suwatte mo I-I-KA-RA
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comwhen i start to get notions of pani-pani-panic
absorb the radio waves! i demand an explanation
that's also part of your job, guys
teach me, don't be stingy
once enraptured by the genius melody
i wouldn't mind if you sat next to me
| Lyrics from
KIMI no kodou kanjite ishiki suru
shikou teishi shite jinsei hatsu no KARAMAWARI!
| Lyrics from
feeling your heart beat, i become conscious
about how my brain shuts down, leaving me in utter bewilderment for the first time in my life!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comTERETERE koishite mousouchuu
denpa hasshin! todokasenasai
sore wa ANATAtachi no gimu desho
MOTAMOTA shitetara okizari yo
watashi no densetsu katarasete A-GE-RU
panipani PANIKKU rensouchuu
denpa kyuushuu! setsumei shinasai
kore mo ANATAtachi no gimu na no
KECHIKECHI shinai de oshieru no
JINIASU MERODI kikihoreta nara
watashi no tonari ni suwatte mo I-I-KA-RA
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comwhen i flush up and begin fantasizing about romance
transmit the radio waves, and make them reach!
isn't that your job, guys?
if i don't get a move on i'll fall behind
once caught on to the genius rhythm
i'll tell you all about my legend
when i start to get notions of pani-pani-panic
absorb the radio waves! i demand an explanation
that's also part of your job, guys
teach me, don't be stingy
once enraptured by the genius melody
i wouldn't mind if you sat next to me
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comsan ten ichi-yon ichi-go kyuu-ni roku-go san-go hachi-kyuu nana-kyuu
san-ni san-hachi yon-roku ni-roku yon-san san-hachi san-ni nana-kyuu
go-zero ni-hachi hachi-yon ichi-kyuu nana-ichi roku-kyuu san-kyuu kyuu-san
nana-go ichi-zero go-hachi ni-zero kyuu-nana yon-kyuu yon-yon go-kyuu
ni-san zero-nana hachi-ichi roku-yon zero-roku ni-hachi roku-ni zero-hachi
kyuu-kyuu hachi-roku ni-hachi zero-san yon-hachi ni-go san-yon ni-ichi
ichi-nana zero-roku nana-kyuu hachi-ni ichi-yon hachi-zero hachi-roku go-ichi
san-ni hachi-ni san-zero roku-roku yon-nana zero-kyuu ENDORESU!!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.com3, 14 15 92 65 35 89 79
32 38 46 26 43 38 32 79
50 28 84 19 71 69 39 93
75 10 58 20 97 49 44 59
23 07 81 64 06 28 62 08
99 86 28 03 48 25 34 21
17 06 79 82 14 80 86 51
32 82 30 66 47 09 endless!! [3]
[1] prime numbers (excluding the 1-2-3 count at the end).
[2] elements on the periodic table. dal segno means "from the sign" in Italian, commonly used in music notation.
[3] value of pi.
Translated and transliterated by shicalava
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