Natsu no PETARU
Summer Petal

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Album / Collection: Napple Tale Kaijyuu Zukan
Track # 5

Lyrics by Ichikura Hiroshi
Music by Kanno Yoko
Vocals by Sakamoto Maaya

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from
tojita me ni PINKU no hikari
ichigo JYUUSU miruku tappuri
aomuke no sekai
anshin anshin
ichigo JYUUSU

Lyrics from
In this closed eye there's a pink light
Alot(1) of strawberry(2) milk
Laying (3) on the world
Relief Relief
Strawberry juice

Translator's notes
1) "Tappuri" This word literally means hearty, lavish, abundant

2) "Ichigo jyuusu" This is literally strawberry juice, but I thought it could be understood as just strawberry milk

3)"Aomuke" This literally means laying on your back and looking at the sky.

Transliterated by Miyuki Mouse

Translated by Umi Kouno <[email protected]>

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