Canção do povo |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Alma bela, danテァa da terra テ� sintam, o vendaval da coragem Transbordem, leite da terra Beijo do cテゥu, chuva do rejubilo uma semente peguena, desejo grande grande grande... | Soul beautifull dance of earth Oh feel! The wind storm of courage Overflow! Earth's milk Kiss from sky(heaven) re-jubilation's rain A small seed of desire Huge huge huge.. |
Festejem, Ceifem, um milhテ」o de espigas, as espigas do destino Cantem, a nossa canテァテ」o Transmitam, canテァテ」o do povo forテァa cordial porta da esperanテァa... | Celebrate, havest, a million of ears of corn, ears of corn of the destiny Sing, our song Transmit, people's song Cordial force, hope's door |
Transliterated by Shala <>
Translated by Sayojia <>
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