Warera ga Shihaiken
The Measure of Our Reach -The Garlean Territorial Anthem for Gyr Abania and Surrounding States-

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Album / Collection: [SQEX-20053] STORMBLOOD : FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack
Track # 10

Japanese title : Warera ga Shihaiken
English title : The Measure of Our Reach -The Garlean Territorial Anthem for Gyr Abania and Surrounding States-
Composition : Soken Masayoshi
Arrangement : Miyano Sachiko
Lyrics : Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Vocal : Music Creation

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Beyond majestic mountains
Across the emerald dale
On march the ivory standard
United we prevail

From distant shores of Othard
To lakes of Aldemard
The light of mighty Garlemald
For e'er our guiding star

Beneath the lofty heavens
With tired hands we toil
In iron do we clad out hearts
And cloudless are our souls

Yet every trial suffered
And every ally mourned
Do bring us solidarity
Our spirits stand untorn

Behold the boundless legions
Whose wings embrace the sun
Their fire rains down upon the land
Until their course is run

By mercy of Lord Galvus -
The pride within us all -
Shall we be granted victory
For glory, Garlemald

Transliterated by Hikarin

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