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- Shinitagari - Wanna Die
Shinitagari |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
jidaraku hitatte yuuetsukan taishite kimochikunai kuse ni yorokobu sugata wa RARIPAPPA wazawaza NETA atsume ni hisshi utsubyou kidori no ippanjin ii hitobu tte hagemasu no mo mou mendoi wa | A superiority complex immersed in self-indulgence Though that doesn't even feel all that great Looking all joyful when you're drugged out You try real hard to keep your jokes gathered up All these ordinary people acting like they're depressed I'm sick of trying to be the good guy and cheer you up! |
daremo kamaccha kure yashinai yo shinitagari shinde mo ii yo mou kikiakita shinde mo ii yo | Nobody will care You wanna die? Go ahead and die I'm tired of listening to you whine, so you can die |
boku wo wakaranai kimi ga iu "nara katte ni shinasete kure" to hitori ni narenai kimi ga iu donnani fukou wo nageitemo kekkyoku no tokoro tanin goto naite wameite tekubi kiredo wazato rashii wa | That's what you say, even though you don't know me at all either "Leave me be and let me die" That's what you say, even though you don't wanna be alone No matter how much you cry over your troubles In the end you're just putting the blame on someone else Crying, shouting, and cutting up your wrist You're just making a show of it! |
daremo kizuicha kure yashinai yo shinitagari shinde mo ii yo douse mijime da shinde mo ii yo | No one will even notice You wanna die? Go ahead and die You're just pitiful, so you can die |
shinitai kuse ni naze ikiten no shinitagari shinde mo ii yo shinitain daro shindara ii yo | You said you wanted to die so why are you still living? Got a death wish? It's OK if you die You want to die, right? Why not just die? |
nani ga shitai no ka wakaranai boku ni kikaretemo komaru no sa | You don't even know what you want to do Its annoying how you keep asking me for advice |
ikiru ka shinu no ka icchatte | Living or dying You're driving me crazy! |
daremo kamaccha kure yashinai yo shinitagari shinde mo ii yo katte ni shiro yo shindara ii yo | No one will care You wanna die? Go ahead and die To hell with you, just die already! |
ikiru ka shinu ka tottoto shiro yo shinitagari shinde mo ii yo shinitakunai nara seezee iki nobiro | Living or dying, hurry up and decide You wanna die? It's okay if you die If you don't wanna die then live with all your might! |
shinitagari nee shinitagari tsubekobe iwazu ni seezee iki nobiro | Hey, you wanna die, you got a death wish Quit your complaining and live with all your might! |
Translated and transliterated by Lanette
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