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- Namae no Nai Uta - Nameless Song
Namae no Nai Uta |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
shizumu taiyou wo nagameru futo osowareru samishisa ni kuchizusamu MERODI | Gazing at the setting sun Suddenly I'm stricken with loneliness So I hum a melody |
boku no kokoro wo sotto tsutsumu dare nimo kikareru koto no nai boku dake no uta | Gently fills my heart There are no words for anyone to hear It's a song all my own |
kurai machinami wo nagameru futo otozureru shizukesa wo magirasu MERODI | Gazing upon the darkening streets Suddenly I'm visited by silence So I break it with a melody |
kono heya wo sotto tsutsumu dare nimo shirareru koto no nai boku dake no uta | Softly fills the room It's nothing for anyone to know It's a song all my own |
Translated and transliterated by ArtemisA
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