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- Mayoi no Mori - Lost Woods
Mayoi no Mori |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
atedonai kaze no ne ni mimi o sumaseru | and strain my ears to the sound of the aimless wind. |
konna ni sekai wa kagayaite'ru no ni kono mama koko o ineba ii no ka | with the world shining the way it is, should I leave here? |
kanashimi ni tsutsumareta oto o kanaderu | and play a sound enveloped in sadness. |
kaeru basho mo nakushite iro o ushinau | I lose both a place to return and my colour. |
mada raku darō ni deguchi no nai kono sekai de tada nani o omoō? | I might still feel at ease. In this world with no exit what shall I think? |
watashi wa shizuka ni yureugoku mama de korekara doko e yukeba ii no ka | as I sway quietly where should I go from here? |
atedonai yukusue ni watashi wa yukō | I'll go to my aimless destiny. |
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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