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- Mangetsu no Yo ni Odore - Dance in the Night of the Full Moon
Mangetsu no Yo ni Odore |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
yナ行ei wa chナォ o mau Hoshi furu yo ni hiraku wa tsukikage no masukareido | dances in the air. On a starry night, what unfolds is a moonlit masquerade. |
Sト� izanau mama ni sono mi o yudanete | Come, allow yourself to be enticed. |
トngeru mナ絞 haneru yナ� ni kuru-kururi to odorナ� | My angel--lightly leap as we spin and dance. |
odoru futari o terasu Utsukushiki o-aite wa na mo shiranu kohanochika | shines on the dancing couple. My beautiful partner is an unknown precious lover. (2) |
tada kimi to mitakute boku wa koko ni iru | a dream with you for just one dazzling night. |
ima wa yasumereba ii トngeru mナ絞 ki no mesu mama yナォga ni odoreba ii | your wings for now. My angel--you can dance elegantly however you like. |
トngeru mナ絞 matataku yナ� ni yurari yurare odorナ� | My angel--twinkle charmingly as we swing, sway and dance. |
amaki koi mo utagata no yume | our sweet romance is an ephemeral dream. |
wakare no toki wa semaru Da suvidト]ya yo ga akereba kieyuku hoshi no yナ� ni | and the time of departure draws near Farewell--like the stars when the dawn breaks. |
wakare no toki ga semaru Da suvidト]ya sono toki made yurari yurare odorナ� | and the time for departure draws near. Farewell--until then let's swing, sway and dance. |
(1) "Angel moi" is a Russian phrase meaning "my angel".
(2) Kohanochika is from Ukranian kohanochka, "sweetheart".
(3) "Do svidaniya" is a Russian phrase meaning "farewell".
Translated and transliterated by Raichu
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