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- Isshu no Pokemon Ieru no ka! - Can You Name the Unova Pokemon?!
Isshu no Pokemon Ieru no ka! |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
mada mita koto nai no mo takusan iru ka mo ne Isshu zukan madamada no kimi mo! zengoku zukan umatta kimi mo! Pokemon ieru no ka! ni charenji da yo se~no" | There might still be a lot of unseen Pokemon out there. Both those who haven't completed their Unova Pokedex, and those who have completed their National Pokedex, how about a challenge to the 'Can you say name the Pokemon'?! Ready, go!" |
[-Part A-] | [-Part A-] |
Mamanbou Mamepato Marakacchi Basurao Desumasu Kurumayu Haaderia Nageki Kibago Gochimu Munna Darumakka | Alomomola, Pidove, Maractus, Basculin, Yamask, Swadloon, Herdier, Throh, Axew, Gothita, Munna, Darumaka. |
Baoppu Yanappu Hiyappu Zuruggu Kurumiru Yuniran Mijumaru Monmen Zoroa Fushide Pokabu Churine Yabukuron | Pansear, Pansage, Panpour, Scraggy, Sewaddle, Solosis, Oshawott, Cottoonee, Zorua, Venipede, Tepig, Petilil, Trubbish. |
kimi wa ieru no ka! Isshu chihou no Pokemon no namae! | Can you name the Unova Pokemon?! |
[-Part B-] | [-Part B-] |
Banipucchi Zeburaika Hahakomori haru natsu aki fuyu Shikijika Bachuru Gochimiru Gandoru Warubiru Pururiru Futachimaru | Vanillite, Zebstrika, Leavanny, spring-summer-autumn-winter Deerling, Joltik, Gothorita, Boldore, Krokorok, Frillish, Dewott. |
Dageki Shibishirasu Dotekkotsu shunkashuutou Mebukijika Washibon Aaken Daburan Emonga Purotooga | Sawk, Tynamo, Gurdurr, vernal-estival-autumnal-hibernal Sawsbuck, Rufflet, Archen, Duosion, Emolga, Tirtouga. |
kimi wa ieru no ka! Isshu chihou no Isshu chihou no Isshu chihou no Pokemon no namae! | Can you name them? Can you name the Pokemon of the Unova region, of the Unova region, of the Unova region?! |
[-Part C-] | [-Part C-] |
Kurimugan Torunerosu Baffuron Borutorosu Kobaruon Dasutodasu Kuitaran | Druddigon, Tornadus, Bouffalant, Thundurus, Cobalion, Garbodor, Heatmor. |
Shibibiiru Furiijio Morobareru Baibanira Gamagaru Birijion Giaru Gigiaru Gigigiaru gigigigigigigigigigigigigi... (Geechisu! Geechisu! Purazuma!) | Eelektrik, Cryogonal, Amoonguss, Vanilluxe, Palpitoad, Virizion, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli-cli... (Ghetsis! Ghetsis! Plasma!) |
kimi wa ieru no ka! Isshu chihou no Pokemon no namae! | Can you name the Unova Pokemon?! |
[-Part D-] | [-Part D-] |
Baokkii Tsunbeaa Yooterii Enbuoo Janobii Riguree Koaruhii Chaobuu Kojofuu Agirudaa Moguryuu Chobomaki Yanakkii Kyuremu Mushaana | Simisear, Beartic, Lillipup, Emboar, Servine, Elgyem, Ducklett, Pignite, Mienfoo, Accelgor, Drilbur, Shelmet, Simisage, Kyurem, Musharna, |
sono ko dake no seikaku sono ko dake no nouryoku anata ga eranda waza anata ga tsuketa nikkuneemu tada no deeta ka mo shirenai keredo tashika ni anata no soba ni iru wa yume ka utsutsu ka... Poketto Monsutaa chijimete Pokemon" | They have unique natures, unique abilities, unique moves chosen by you, and unique nicknames given by you. Maybe they're nothing more than mere data, but they have always been by your side. Are they a dream or reality...? They're Pocket Monsters, often abbreviated as 'Pokemon'." |
[-Part E-] | [-Part E-] |
Abagooru Onondo Monozu Kirikizan Oobemu Meraruba Reshiramu (moeruuwa!) Jarooda Komatana Zekuromu (baribaridaa!) | Carracosta, Fraxure, Deino, Bisharp, Beheeyem, Larvesta, Reshiram (Burn, baby, burn!), Serperior, Pawniard, Zekrom (It's shocking!!). |
Daikenki Denchura Shubarugo Terakion Barujiina Ishizumai Chiraamii Gochiruzeru Kenhorou Gamageroge Randorosu Warubiaru | Samurott, Galvantula, Escavalier, Terrakion, Mandibuzz, Dwebble, Minccino, Gothitelle, Unfezant, Seismitoad, Landorus, Krookodile. |
kimi wa ieru no ka! Pokemon no namae! | Can you name the Unova Pokemon?! |
[-Part F-] | [-Part F-] |
makoto ni arigatou gozaimasu. sate Pokemon ieru no ka mamonaku shuuten e touchaku itashimasu. kashi no o-wasuremono nado nai you o-ki o tsuke kudasai." | for using the Battle Subway. So are you able to name the Pokemon? We will soon arrive at the last stop. Please take care not to forget any personal belongings such as your lyrics." |
rizumu ni notte mina-san sumairu yubisashi kakunin junbi okkee mezasu wa shouri! shuppatsu shinkou!" | To the rhythm, everyone, smile. Destination confirmed. Preparation okay. The goal is victory! Now we depart!" |
Burungeru Wooguru Urugamosu Hihidaruma Doredia Rankurusu Shibirudon Erufuun Gigaiasu Nattorei Muurando Iwaparesu Sazandora Kojondo Aakeosu Shandera Doryuuzu Ononokusu | Jellicent, Braviary, Volcarona, Darmanitan, Lilligant, Reuniclus, Eelektross, Whimsicott, Gigalith, Ferrothorn, Stoutland, Crustle, Hydreigon, Mienshao, Archeops, Chandelure, Excadrill, Haxorus. |
dubidubidu ieta no ka! kimi wa ieta no ka! Pokemon no namae! | Doo-bee-doo-bee-doo, were you able to name them?! Were you able to name the Unova Pokemon?! |
kimi wa ieta no ka! Isshu chihou no Isshu chihou no Isshu chihou no Pokemon no namae! | Were you able to name them? Were you able to name the Pokemon of the Unova region, of the Unova region, of the Unova region?! |
n dareka kita you da" | Hmm, I think someone's coming this way." |
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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