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- Isamitsukiyo - Night of a Gallant Moon
Isamitsukiyo |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
usa o haraite nada sarau tabi wa michizure yo wa nasake fusagikonde'ru aka no tanin o hitohada nuide sukuidasu saki o teraseyo isamitsukiyo | brushes away sorrow, and sweeps away tears. It's important that we care for each other as we pass through our life. Even if it's a complete stranger, if he's in a slump, I'm willing to help him out to the best of my ability. Illuminate the path in front of me, night of a gallant moon. |
yami o kirisaki michi hiraku ima wa katachi ga mienedomo itsuka kanarazu tachinaoreru to shaku o kawaseyo buiwai ni koyoi terashite isamitsukiyo | I shall cleave the darkness, and open up an unknown path. Although I can see what lies ahead of me right now, I believe sooner or later I'll be able to get back on my feet, so drink and toast in honor of our valor. Illuminate this evening, night of a gallant moon. |
shinjirareru wa onore nomi douse yuku nara ouka suru ikite yuku no wa raku jaa nai ga nangyou-kugyou to kagirumai kokoro, teraseyo isamitsukiyo | the only one we can truly believe in is ourselves. If we must move on with life, then let's enjoy it to the fullest. To live is not exactly easy, but it's not full of adversities, either. Illuminate our heart, night of a gallant moon. |
[1] A "tachi" is a type of Japanese sword similar to a katana.
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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