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- Watashi ga Aishita GEISHA GAARU - The Geisha Girl I Love
Watashi ga Aishita GEISHA GAARU |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
shigoto-gaeri no On The Road de Very Pretty na Geisha Girl o Ninja ga Abduction | when I'm on the road home from work, I see several ninjas abducting a very pretty geisha girl. |
soko de hitori no Lonesome Samurai KUSEMONO tomo o Fanning Shot de tsugi tsugi Bump Off Chicken | so there, I, a lonesome samurai, with my fanning shots, one after another, bump off those ruffians like chickens. |
watashi no Heart ni Horyu Temple no kane ga narihibiku | the bell of the Horyuji temple[1] tolls in my heart. |
kanojo to tomo ni Chiba City kara sarari manra to Train ni notte hana no Tokyo e GO | So following her, from Chiba city, I ride the train with the salarymen to the flowery Tokyo. |
TAI ya HIRAME ga maiodoru naka shiranu doushi ga kozara o tataite I'm A Stranger In Paradise | the porgies and flounders dance, and the other fellows tap their plates to the rhythm. I'm a stranger in paradise. |
watashi no Heart ni SHISHIODOSHI no oto ga kodama suru | the sound of the shishi odoshi[2] echoes in my heart. |
watashi no Heart ni Horyu Temple no kane ga narihibiku | the bell of the Horyuji temple tolls in my heart. |
[1] The Horyuji is one of the oldest and most celebrated temples in Japan.
[2] A shishi odoshi, a.k.a. sozu, is a type of water fountain consisting mainly of a bamboo tube, used to scare deer away.
Transliterated by Rei
Translated by animeyay
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