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- DO RE MI FA RONDO - Do Re Mi Fa Rondo
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kawa o koete umi o koete sora o koete'ku'n da | I'll cross the rivers, cross the seas, and cross the sky. |
minna ni ai ni'ku yo | I will go meet everybody. |
te to te o tsunaide me to me o awashite doko made mo arukou | let's hold one another's hands, look one another in the eyes, and walk anywhere we want. |
USAGI-san no RONDO ki ga tsukeba boku mo kotoritachi no RONDO koinutachi no RONDO konekotachi no RONDO egao de utau yo | Mr. Rabbit is doing a rondo. In no time, I'm also doing a rondo. The young birds are doing a rondo. The puppies are doing a rondo. The kitties are doing a rondo. Everyone is singing with a smile. |
kumo o koete tsuki o koete hoshi o koete'ku'n da | I'll cross over the clouds, over the moon, and over the stars. |
minna ni ai ni'ku yo | I will go meet everybody. |
nayamigoto bakari fuete yuku sonna toki ni wa sora o miagete minna to issho ni utainagara | but adults only have more worries and stress. When that time comes, I'll gaze up at the sky and sing together with everyone. |
yaoya-san no RONDO ki ga tsukeba boku mo Yamada-san no RONDO Tanaka-san no RONDO Suzuki-san no RONDO egao de utau yo | The vegetable shop owner is doing a rondo. In no time, I'm also doing a rondo. Mr. Yamada is doing a rondo. Mr. Tanaka is doing a rondo. Mr. Suzuki is doing a rondo. Everyone is singing with a smile. |
uchuujin no RONDO ki ga tsukeba boku mo sabishigari no RONDO wasurenbo no RONDO tereya-san no RONDO egao de utau yo | The aliens are doing a rondo. In no time, I'm also doing a rondo. Miss Loner is doing a rondo. Mr. Forgetful is doing a rondo. Ms. Bashful is doing a rondo. Everyone is singing with a smile. |
oneechan no RONDO ki ga tsukeba boku mo obaachan no RONDO ojiichan no RONDO kimi to boku no RONDO minna de utaeba sekai wa mawatte egao ni nareru yo | Sis is doing a rondo. In no time, I'm also doing a rondo. Grandma is doing a rondo. Grandpa is doing a rondo. It's a rondo for you and me. When everyone is singing, the world will revolve and change into a smiling face. |
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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