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- Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro - Join Up, Open Up, the Rakshasa and the Corpse
Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
gokusotsushuu sura makikonde utage no se ni te narisagaru wa junshin-muku yue tachi no warui akugyaku-hidou ni gozaimasu" | together with the low-tier members from Hell. What will be degraded at the bay of this banquet, is found within the atrocity and savagery among us, so pure and clean that it is wicked." |
"soko yuku ojou-san asobimasho" kubiwa ni tsunagaru akai himo wa kataashi no kawari ni naccha inai | "The young lady over there, let's play!" The red string tied to its collar cannot possibly be used in place of its lost leg. |
"soko yuku ojou-san odorimasho" ashimoto hisoka ni saita hana wa shikamettsura shite wa guchitte'ru | "The young lady over there, let's dance!" The flowers sneakily blooming underfoot are grimacing and grumbling. |
haranda no wa sarekoube | inside which heaps of skulls are buried. |
yai yai warae ya warae rai rai musunde hiraite rai rai rasetsu to mukuro | Yai, yai, smile, simle. Rai, rai, join up, open up. Rai, rai, the Rakshasa and the corpse. |
itsutsu muttsu nanatsu de sono te o ue ni matsu no ki ni wa kubiwa de chuuburarin rin minna minna minna de musubimasho | Five, six, seven, and raise your hands up high. A collar tied to a pine tree, hanging and swinging, let's all join up together, everyone together! |
zashiki no irori ni kubesarase" | then throw it into the fireplace to burn." |
takaridasu shinzoku arasoi soi "seizen kare to yakusoku shita zo" usobuku mo shinin ni kuchi wa nashi | The assembled relatives of the dead have begun fighting. "I made a vow with him when he was still alive!" No matter what you claim, the dead will never talk. |
tsugi-tsugi to urareru kawaiko-chan saigo ni nokoru wa gehin na busu dare ni mo shirarezu ni naite iru | one after another, buy away all these cute children. The unsold ones are the unrefined ugly ones; they are crying in a corner, unnoticed by anybody. |
yai yai odore ya odore rai rai musunde hiraite rai rai rasetsu to mukuro | Yai, yai, dance, dance. Rai, rai, join up, open up. Rai, rai, the Rakshasa and the corpse. |
nanatsu yattsu too de mata musunde tatara sae mo taekane yakedo o seoi neko wa aketa fusuma o shimete yuku | Seven, eight, ten, and again join up. Bearing burns not even blacksmiths can endure, the cat now goes to close the open sliding door. |
kekkyoku mina-sama taningoto kekkyoku mina-sama taningoto tanin no fukou wa shiranpuri | In the end, it's all other people's business. In the end, it's all other people's business. About others' misfortune, we'll just feign ignorance. |
yai yai yomae ya yomae rai rai iroha ni horebore rai rai rasetsu to mukuro | Yai, yai, be lost, be lost, in this world. Rai, rai, captivated by the vanity of the world. Rai, rai, the Rakshasa and the corpse. |
itsutsu muttsu nanatsu de sono te o ue ni tori ga naite shimawanu uchi ni hara hera hitotsu futatsu mittsu de mata ashita | Five, six, seven, and raise your hands up high. Before the rooster can start crowing, my belly will be empty. One, two, three, see you tomorrow! |
abareru uwabami no ikichi o tsuzuru. Subete wa utsurou no de gozaimasu. Ima kou shite iru aida ni mo samazama na mono ga. | it drinks the hot blood of a struggling python. Everything will eventually shift and change. Even as I'm saying this, many things are changing. |
Maa, sonna yotabanashi wa owari ni shimashou. Saa, ote wo haishaku." | Oh well, let's end our idle gossips. Now, please give me some applause." |
The exact meaning of the lyrics is open to interpretation.
The author himself, Hachi, wrote on his blog and he was talking about how innocent children's "innocence" can actually turn destructive and evil, and also criticizing the general cold and indifferent attitude of the public. He added at the end, however, that he was "limited" in what he could say.
The fans on the web, though, seem to be more inclined to believe that the song is actually about the tragic life of the Japanese prostitutes ("cats" in slang). The prostitutes "join up" with and "open up" for their patrons, abort the babies that they accidentally conceive (skulls in their belly), and get right back into business the next day (before the rooster could crow). It is also said that the title of the song, the Rakshasa and the corpse, hints at the cruel relationship between the patron (a man-eating demon) and the prostitute (a corpse).
Translated and transliterated by animeyay
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