Otogi Banashi |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Kyou mo nerenai yoru ga Nete mo samenai yoru ga Boku o kinou ni tojikomerun da | A night where I can't sleep once again It's a night where I won't wake up if I sleep It keeps me trapped in yesterday. |
Sukoshi sabishii tokoro Sukoshi yasashii tokoro Boku wa soko ni ikitai | A slightly lonely place, A slightly gentle place, I want to go there so badly |
Kimi ga koboshita namida to sayonara ga Hazukashikute nakechau na Subete wasurete modoritai no douka | Those tears that you shed and your goodbye - It's so embarrassing, don't cry I want to forget it all and go back, please! |
Hai ni sasareta ato o Kakimushiri nagara tou "Boku wa mada ikitemasu ka" | Whilst I pick at the scabs from Having been pierced by ash, I ask "Am I still alive?" |
Muri ni futari ni naranakute ii yo ashita ni ikanakutatte ii | It's hopeless to get together so it's fine if you don't, it's fine if we never go on to tomorrow |
Tsuzuki o kaku kono ude wa mou yogorete shimattan da | Fairytale-esque happy ever-after that never ends are already sullied. |
Kimi ga koboshita namida to sayonara ga Hazukashikute nakechau na Subete wasurete modoritai no dou ka | Those tears that you shed and your goodbye - It's so embarrassing, don't cry I want to forget it all and go back, please! |
Boku no tomatta shinzou no oto sae mo Mata ne kitto koko de aou Sono toki made, oyasumi | Even the sound of my still heartbeat "See you later, I'm sure we'll meet here again" Until that time, goodnight |
Sora mo toberu yoru desu Boku no karada ga kieta Sateto doko e ikou ka | A night where I can even traverse the sky My body fades away Well then, where shall we go? |
Transliterated by Kisaragi_Chan
Translated by roarchika
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