PARADEAlbum / Collection: Character Album SONG "BLUE" ~rivale~ Track # 6 Description: Byakuran image song Performed by: Ooyama Takahiro Lyrics: Hashimoto Rina Music composition: Kuroda Akitoshi Music arrangement: Kuroda Akitoshi View romaji/english lyrics New Feature! Mouseover a kanji character for lookup information!
時計は動き始めた もう止めることは出来ない
さあ 次の手はどうする? もっともっと僕を楽しませて この世界はリアルなゲーム 不可能\なんてない 飽きちゃったらすぐに消してあげる Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 僕の手のひらで Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 美しく散って Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 新しい世界を Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 全てをこの手に いつでも握りつぶせる 可憐な花のように 世界も君達も全て 小さくて脆くて愛おしい その強さと覚悟で 忠誠を誓うなら 新世界を君にも 見せてあげる Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 僕の手のひらで Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 踊りつづけて Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 狂おしい欲望 Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 全てをこの手に Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 僕の手のひらで Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 美しく散って Let's dance to music and sing a song all together 新しい世界を Let's dance to music and say good-by to this world 全てをこの手に Transliterated by Chokoreeto [Submit an English translation for this song] See an error in these lyrics? Let us know here! |
Kanji information is from the KANJIDIC dictionary database. now has an OpenSearch plugin that you can install into your browser (FireFox, Chrome and IE/Edge supported) Affiliates: My Little Pony Ties AnimeBadass.Com Lyrics copyright to their respective owners or translators. No copyright infringment is intended or implied. Layout and other content copyright Anime Lyrics dot Com / Anime Globe Productions This is some text here |