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- Love Live! School Idol Project
- TAKARAMONOZU - Treasures
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
ikitai to omou TOKORO e hayaku hayaku Go!! | Wherever we feel like going-- Hurry, hurry, go!! |
IYA na koto wa KUSHAKUSHA ni marumecchae sou da sou da Go!! | And the things we hate will crumple up and disappear That's right, that's right, go!! |
susumou susumou susumou anji o kakete mita! | "Let's keep going, let's keep going, let's keep going," I tried hypnotizing myself! |
takusan da ne sou da ne minna no egao sa koko de mitsuketa TAKARAMONO afuresou na yume-tachi motto motto misete | Are so many--that's right, it's everyone's smiles The treasures we've found here Are our overflowing dreams, and I want to see more and more |
ikitai to negau IKIOI de sugu ni sugu ni Go!! | With the strength of our wish to get going-- Right away, right away, go!! |
DAMEsugiru toki wa chotto amaecchae ii yo ii yo Go!! | And those times that seem too hopeless will get a little better It's okay, it's okay, go!! |
tsukamou tsukamou tsukamou ryoute o nobasou yo! | Let's grab it, let's grab it, let's grab it, let's reach out both our hands! |
sagashite'ru sou da yo minna ganbatte'ru n'da daremo shiranai TAKARAMONO todokisou de todokanai zutto zutto KIRARI | We're searching for it--that's right, everyone's hard at work The treasure no one has seen It's always, always sparkling just out of reach |
takusan da ne sou da ne minna no egao koko de mitsuketa TAKARAMONO afuresou na yume-tachi motto motto misete | Are so many--that's right, it's everyone's smiles The treasures we've found here Are our overflowing dreams, and I want to see more and more |
The word for "treasure" is usually just "takaramono"; "zu" has been added on the end here, presumably to imitate the English formation of plurals and make sure we all know multiple treasures are involved.
This song actually does not appear in the anime, only on the cell phone game's opening/loading screen, but as Takaramonozu is the only song to be written specifically for the game, it didn't seem worth making the game a separate category.
Translated and transliterated by EJTranslations
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