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- Onaji Kaze ni Fukarete - When the same wind blows
Onaji Kaze ni Fukarete |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ase no niji 'n da sebangou ga itsumo genki kureru | You always feel better when you're in your sweaty uniform |
Arashi e to tobikomu hi ni mo soba ni tatte itai | Even in days of storm, I want to stand by your side. |
Ima wa mada nozokanai de okou ka? Onaji kaze fukarete 'ru kono toki kokochi ii kara | Can't the present let us peek into the future yet? Because when the same wind blows, that moment is pleasant. |
Katte mo makete mo kaerimichi minna ii kao shite 'ru | Whether we won or lost, everyone had a happy face on the way home. |
Damarikomu yoru wa hanasazu yoko ni suwaritai | In the silent nights that won't speak a word, I want to sit by your side. Ahead of the white ball you are chasing, surely a long road awaits But, it's OK, you don't have to be afraid, Because when we look up at the same sky, that moment is fun. |
Dakedo mada osore nakute ii no sa Onaji sora miagete 'ru kono toki tanoshinde iyou | Our destiny is constantly shaken, but on any given day... |
Itsumo unmei wa yurete 'ku dakedo donna hi mo | It's OK, we have to keep moving forward. Because when the same wind blows, at that moment, I want to be with you. |
Transliterated by SakuraFox512
Translated by ilovebishonen
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