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- Kikan - Janus no tema 2 - Repatriation - Janus' Theme 2
Kikan - Janus no tema 2 |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Ah, sta per cambiare la marea... In cima a un cuscino fatto del rumore delle onde Su, leviamo láncora verso la mia terra. | Ah, the tide is about to change... On top of a cushion made of the sound of waves Up, we raise the anchor and head towards my homeland. |
Mai giorni sono stati piu belli di quelli, colmi di speranze, in cui mi abbandonavo in un mare blu profondo Quei giorni in cui, pieno di ambizione, con sguardo si falco mene andavo solo per la mia strada. | Never again were the days as beautiful as those, full of hope, in which I abandoned myself in a deep blue sea. Those days in which, full of ambition, I walked around with falcon eyes, alone on my road. |
Su, issiamo le vele- verson la mia terra. | Up, we raise the sails and head towards my homeland. |
Quello che dovevo fare, ancora non l'ho portato a termine. Le mie ardenti speranze, ancora non si sono realizzate. | I have to, I'm not done yet. My fervent wish, has still not come true. |
Per cosa mai sono venuto al mondo? | Why did I come to this world? |
Namioto no makura ni takaki Iza, furusato e no ikari o agen | On top of a cushion made of waves Come, let's raise the anchor and head towards my homeland. |
Seiun no hi, gunjou no umi ni mi o makaseshi wa, waga sairyou no hibi Kokorozashi, takaku. Kokou no kiwami mezashita ano hi no taka no manazashi. | The days of blue skies, I entrusted my body to the deep blue sea. Those were my happiest days. My hopes were high. Those days when, in extreme solitude, I had high expectations. |
Iza, furusato e no ho o agen. | Come, let's raise the sails and head towards my homeland. |
Waga nasubeki koto wa, imada hatasa rezu. | There are still things I have to do, I'm not done yet. |
Waga wa, ittai nani no tame ni umarete kita no ka! | Why in the world was I born? |
Translated and transliterated by ilovebishonen
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