Eien ga Ai ni Kawaru Toki |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
ASHURA no you ni anata dake yasashii | you, like the god of fighting, are yet so tender. |
Mamoru tame dake to ima fukaku koe ga suru | Now it lets out a deep bellow, that it exists merely to protect others. |
Anata wo shinjiteru Arasoi mo nani mo nai kuni e Yume w hatamekase tsuretette yo | I'll still have the same faith in you. Towards a future land where there will be no fighting, let your dream resound and take me with you. |
Dare mo shiranai anata dake mabushii | I don't know anyone else, for your radiance is too bright. |
Aruki tsuzuketai namida sae kowakunai | I want to keep walking. I won't be afraid of tears. |
Watashi wa mayowanai Mitsumeau utsukushii basho e Yume ga tookute mo tsuretette yo | I will no longer be wandering. Towards a beautiful utopia where we can gaze into each other's eyes, please take me with you, even if our dream is still far away. |
Anata wo shinjiteru Arasoi mo nani mo nai kuni e Yume wo hatamekase tsuretette yo | I'll still have the same faith in you. Towards a future land where there will be no fighting, let your dream resound and take me with you. |
Watashi wa mayowanai Mitsumeau utsukushii basho e Yume ga tookute mo tsuretette yo | I will no longer be wandering. Towards a beautiful utopia where we can gaze into each other's eyes, please take me with you, even if our dream is still far away. |
Transliterated by Rei
Translated by animeyay
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