Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comdie Ruinenstadt ist immer noch schテδカn
ich warte lange Zeit auf deine Rテδシckkehr
in der Hand ein Vergissmeinnicht
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comThe ruined town is still beautiful.
With forget-me-nots in my hand,
I am forever waiting for you to come home.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIt might be just like a bird in the cage
How could I reach to your heart
I need you to be stronger than anyone
I release my soul so you feel my song
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIt might be just like a bird in the cage.
How can I reach to your heart?
I need you to be stronger than anyone.
I release my song so you feel my soul.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comRegentropfen sind meine Trテδ、nen
Wind ist mein Atem und mein Erzテδ、hlung
Zweige und Blテδ、tter sind meine Hテδ、nde
denn mein Kテδカrper ist in Wurzeln gehテδシllt
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comThe raindrops are my tears.
The wind is my breath, with which I speak.
The leaves and branches are my hands.
My body is being enveloped by roots.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comwenn die Jahreszeit des tauens kommt
werde ich wach und singe ein Lied
das Vergissmeinnicht, das du mir gegeben hast, ist hier
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comWhen the season when the snow melts comes,
I awaken and sing.
The forget-me-nots you gave me are here.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comerinnerst du dich noch?
erinnerst du dich noch an dein Wort, das du mir gegeben hast?
erinnerst du dich noch?
erinnerst du dich noch an den Tag, an dem du mir...?
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDo you still remember
The promise you made with me?
Do you still remember
That day?
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comwenn die Jahreszeit des Vergissmeinnichts kommt,
singe ich ein Lied
wenn die Jahreszeit des Vergissmeinnichts kommt, rufe ich dich
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comWhen the season of the forget-me-nots comes,
I will sing.
During this season, I call for you.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIt could be the whole of the problem change your body
I need you to be stronger than anyone
I release my soul so you can feel my breath
Feel my move
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comIt might be such a big problem that it might change your whole body.
I need you to be stronger than anyone.
I release my song so you can feel my breath.
Feel me.