Honey (Portuguese dub ver.)

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Description: Portuguese (from Portugal) 2nd season End Theme

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Sento-me á janela e vejo o pôr do sol (1)
que desce do meio do céu~ e mergulha~ no~ mar~
o dia~ chegou ao fim~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
I sit by the window and watch the sunset
which comes down from the sky~ and dives into the sea~
the day~ came to an end~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Ah~ e eu penso aqui~
que se tu estivesses aqui~
nada seria melhor~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Ah~ and here I think~
that if you were here~
nothing would be better~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Até amanhã~
espero por ti~
navego pelas nテコvens e canto uma canção doce (2)
como o mel~
só para ti~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
I'll see you tomorrow~
I'll be waiting for you~
I sail among the clouds and sing a sweet song
sweet as honey~
just for you~

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
Enquanto as estrelas brilham para
iluminar o

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
While the stars shine to

In portuguese 3 seasons of Card Captor Sakura were aired. Unlike most anime aired in Portugal, they did make three ending and opening themes for each season.

Translated and transliterated by green_rabbit

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