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- Arigatou - Thank You
Arigatou |
Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
kumo wa nagarete'ru kaze wa utaidasu itsumo hashitte'ta kono michi no soba de ima mo shiroi hana ga saite waratte iru | The clouds are floating by... The wind is singing Even now, along the streets I always used to run along, white flowers are blooming and smiling. |
ima ga daisuki de dakedo sugite-yuku sore wa mukashi naita yume no kakera no you | I love the present, but it will always pass... It's just like a fragment of the dream I cried over long ago |
namida koboreru fuan mo daiji na mirai ni tsunagatte-iru hazu dakara | And the worries that make my tears spill over are both connected to the precious future, so... |
itsuka otona ni natte mo kitto omoidashite ne anata ga koko ni ita koto wasurenai de ite hiroi sekai no hate de mo zutto kienai ima wo minna arigatou | Even when someday I become an adult I'm sure I'll always remember. that you were here with me. I'll never forget, even when I'm in the very ends of this vast world. For this moment that will never disappear, I thank you, everyone. |
itsumo waratte'ta kono machi no sora de ima mo nagareboshi ga negai kanaete iru | In the sky above that always smiles down on this town, even now shooting stars are granting wishes. |
hanaretaku nakute dakedo tooku naru sore wa kinou yonda hon no shiori no you | for as long as time passes, but we end up being far apart It's just like the bookmark in the book I read yesterday. |
donna kanashii kimochi mo daiji na mirai ni tsunagatte-iru hazu dakara | And my feelings, however sad they may be, are both connected to the precious future, so... |
dokoka shiranai machi de mo kitto hirogatte-iku minna ga koko ni ita koto wasurenai de ite chiisa na kono basho kara sotto hajimatta koto minna arigatou | even if it's in some unfamiliar place somewhere I'm sure the future is unfolding. I'll never forget that you were all here with me. For what has quietly begun from this little place, I thank you, everyone. |
kioku kara tabidatsu mata aeru yo ima wa hohoende | set forth from our memories We'll meet again. For now, please smile... |
dokoka tooku e itte mo kitto shirasete hoshii watashi ga koko ni ita koto wasurenai de ite hiroi sekai no dokodemo zutto kienai omoi minna arigatou | Even if you go off far away somewhere I definitely want you to keep in touch. Don't forget that I was here with you... no matter where you are in this vast world. For these feelings that will never disappear, I thank you, everyone. |
Thank you for all your happiness Thank you for all your kindness Thank you for all your everything... | Thank you for all your happiness Thank you for all your kindness Thank you for all your everything... |
Contributed by Takayama Miyuki <miyukichan64@yahoo.com>
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