Tenshi ni narenai
Can't Become An Angel

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Description: Seto Ringo song

Vocals: Ueda Kana

Original / Romaji LyricsEnglish Translation
Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
nanda ka kujikete heya ni hitori kiri
sonna toki ni egao misete?
tenshi janai kara
herahera warao dake no sonna onna no ko wa IYA

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
I somewhat feel crushed[1] when I'm all alone in my room
Will that smile be shown at a time like this?
Because I am not an angel
I only keep smiling on such time because I'm a girl after all

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
demo sorosoro hara PECO
tomodachi no kao mitai

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
But this time I am getting hungry
I want to see the face of a friend

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
ashita wa mata itsumo mo hajimari da to shite
sukoshi kawareru nante shinjite mita
mitsuketa kana hora tenshi no hane

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
A bright new day starts once again as always
I changed a bit for I already believed
Will I be able to see it, the feathers of an angel

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
ashita wa mata itsumo no hajimari da to shite
dakedo watashi wa hekonde irarenai
itsuka wa hora IT'S MY ANGEL WING

Lyrics from Animelyrics.com
A bright new day starts once again as always
However I don't need to feel empty[2]
When will it be seen, it's my angel wing

[1] Literally translated, "kuji" means break or discourage; I chose "crushed" since being alone really is sad. (At least for someone like Seto Ringo who is a pop idol on the series)

[2] This is a mere literal translation. "Heko(mu)" kanji translates as holow or concave. Once again, this is due to the fact that I can't find a better word or a better relation of the word within that line of the song.

Transliterated by Shounen.org
http://shounen.org Translated by mark <azumanga@doramail.com>

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