About Us

Anime Lyrics dot Com is part of the Anime Globe network, which includes Anime Galleries dot Net and Anime Forum dot Com as well as other sites.


Kaitou Acewebmaster@animeglobe.com
RegexAnimeForum Profile
Lyrics Admin/Validations
LavaBugAnimeForum Profile
Ayu OhsekiAnimeForum Profile
AzureDarkAnimeForum Profile
Kaitou Acewebmaster@animeglobe.com
Original Site Concept
Kaitou Acewebmaster@animeglobe.com
Philip MakIn memoriam
Sailor Bacon 
Kaitou Acewebmaster@animeglobe.com
Princess Minakowebmistress@animeglobe.com


The goal of Anime Lyrics dot Com is to provide our visitors, with a complete database of anime, J-pop and game lyrics in an efficient, and easily searchable manner. We have designed this site to be fast and easy to use, and regularly add to our database of lyrics. The search engine is fast and powerful, and can help you find what you are looking for in a streamlined and effective manner.

We also strive to help people in their learning of Japanese, and provide Kanji versions of lyrics whenever we are able to. The Japanese text version now features an immediate kanji character lookup, to help the students of Japanese language. Any character with a dashed underline will provide you with a hovering Kanji Information window, including the strokes, readings and meanings of the character, as well as a larger version of the kanji.


Anime Lyrics dot Com relies on user contributions to grow, and the amount of people who have had a hand in our success is hard to enumerate. We are always thankful to those who are willing to contribute their work to our site.

Animelyrics.com now has an OpenSearch plugin that you can install into your browser (FireFox, Chrome and IE/Edge supported)

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My Little Pony Ties


Lyrics copyright to their respective owners or translators. No copyright infringment is intended or implied.
Layout and other content copyright Anime Lyrics dot Com / Anime Globe Productions
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