Yeh! Sharivan

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Lyricist = Uehara Shouzou
Composer / Arranger = Watanabe Michiaki
Singer = Kushida Akira

Lyrics from
Madou no arashi fukiareru
Akai denryuu furu surottoru
Cheisu Shariban _Sekisha se yo
Kudake Tsubuse Buttobase

Dan-dun Danduwa
Sore yuke Danduwa
Magunamu Choppu
Dan-dun Danduwa
Senaka no teki wa
Eruboo Hanmaa
Dan-dun Danduwa
Kuru tto mawatte
Shariban Sobatto
Soshite todome wa
Shariban Kurasshu
Yeh Yeh Yeh

Madou no _majuu kiba wo muku
Akai inazuma Supaaku Chaaji
Cheisu Shariban _Sekisha se yo
Sagake Tatase Uchinomese

Dan-dun Danduwa
Sore yuke Danduwa
Shariban Kikku
Dan-dun Danduwa
Mienai teki wa
Saachaa Sukoopu
Dan-dun Danduwa
Hirari to tonde
Supaaku Bonbaa
Soshite todome wa
Shariban Kurasshu
Yeh Yeh Yeh     

Dan-dun Danduwa
Sore yuke Danduwa
Shariban Kikku
Dan-dun Danduwa
Mienai teki wa
Saachaa Sukoopu
Dan-dun Danduwa
Hirari to tonde
Supaaku Bonbaa
Soshite todome wa
Shariban Kurasshu
Yeh Yeh Yeh

Transliterated by Shinobi Chirlind-Byouko

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