Aimo ~Koi no Uta~
Aimo ~Love Song~

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Album / Collection: Vocal Collection - Nyan Tama
Track # 20

Vocals: Maaya Sakamoto (Ranshe Mei)

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Lyrics from
Aimo aimo
Neederu ruushe
Noina miria
Enderu purodea
Kureedo fee'ee purodyushuka
Feetora purodyushuka

Ruurei ruureia
Seeburea tu imari
Noina paro
Ruurei ruureia
Feepue vorii
Dyushu turan
Kaajaarii naashu

Aimo aimo
Neederu ruushe
Noina miria
Enderu purodea
Moie fee'ee purodyushuka
Feetora purodyushuka

Transliterated by Ayu Ohseki

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