Original / Romaji Lyrics | English Translation |
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDaichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku
Tenshi no hohoemi de tsuredashite!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou're awakening as you tread the earth.
Lead us out with an angelic smile!
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comKodoku demo hitori janai sa
Umaretekita koto ni kanarazu imi ga aru
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comEven when you're alone, you're not on your own.
Your birth definitely has significance.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYasashisa ni michiafureteru
Aoi hoshi ni arigatou
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comThank you, Earth,
Brimming with gentleness.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYOU CAN SMILE AGAIN
Taiyou abite
Sekai wa kimi no kagayaki wo matteru
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou can smile again.
Bask in the sun.
You can fly away.
The world is waiting for you to shine.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDaichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku
Tenshi no hohoemi de tsuredashite! (YOU CAN SMILE!)
"Hajimari" wa itsudemo osokunai sa
Nandodemo tachiagare!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou're awakening as you tread the earth.
Lead us out with an angelic smile! (You can smile!)
It's never too late to start.
Get up again and again!
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comSaigo made akiramenai sa
Yaritsuzukeru koto ni kanarazu imi ga aru
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comWe won't give up till the very end.
Continuing on definitely has significance.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYOU JUST TRY AGAIN
Yami wo nukete
Mirai wa itsumo bokutachi wo matteru
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou just try again.
Escape the darkness.
You just go away.
The future is always waiting for us.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comOozora kakenukete unabara koeteyuke
Tenshi no nage kissu tsukamaete! (YOU CAN TRY!)
Mada daremo mita koto nai sekai he
Tobidasou ashita
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDash through the heavens and cross the oceans.
Catch the angel's air kiss! (You can try!)
Tomorrow, let's fly out to a world
That nobody has seen yet.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDaichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku
Tenshi no hohoemi de tsuredashite! (YOU CAN SMILE!)
Owaranai bouken ni dekakeyou
Itsumademo dokomademo
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou're awakening as you tread the earth.
Lead us out with an angelic smile.
Let's set out on a never-ending adventure.
As long as we want, wherever we want.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comNagareochiru namida yuuki ni kaeteiku
Tenshi no hane hiroge maiagare! (YOU CAN FLY!)
Kanashimi mo itami mo tsutsumikonde
Tsuyoku nare ashita
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou're turning the tears running down your cheeks into courage.
Spread your angelic wings and soar! (You can fly!)
Wrap up your sadness and pain,
And get stronger tomorrow.
Lyrics from Animelyrics.comDaichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku
Tenshi no hohoemi de tsuredashite! (YOU CAN SMILE!)
"Hajimari" wa itsudemo osokunai sa
Nandodemo! (YOU CAN TRY!)
Nandodemo! (YOU CAN TRY!)
Nandodemo tachiagare!
| Lyrics from Animelyrics.comYou're awakening as you tread the earth.
Lead us out with an angelic smile! (You can smile!)
It's never too late to start.
Again and again! (You can try!)
Again and again! (You can try!)
Get up again and again!